Where do boys go to become men?

A gym program that gives young men between 11 & 16 the space and mentoring to develop their physical presence, confidence and communication.

What’s it about?

In a world where young men are falling further behind, it is our belief that given the right tools and environment, within every young man there is greatness.

Our mission is to allow them to rise up, and EMERGE as great men. Because when you mentor young men in the skills to excel at life, they transform and lead all those around them.

EMERGE was developed from researched-based practices and follows 5 Pillars of:


PRINCIPLES - the things that will hold you in elite company for life

PLAY - life can be fun & enjoyable, and we can learn through doing cool things.

PHYSICAL - develop robust strength, fitness and confidence

PROFICIENCY - knowledge and education delivered differently than school

PURPOSE - developing the bigger vision for themselves and how to get it.

Young men want to learn, they want to grow, they want to test the boundaries, do awesome things and go on epic adventures. They also want to talk and develop an ability to communicate better with parents, friends and girls. And they want to do it with people who’ve lived and they respect.

What will he get out of the program?

Let’s face it. Becoming a man is one of the most confusing journeys facing society today. What EMERGE provides is to help young men navigate the chaos and come out the other side a man with a strong backbone, and a heart. Become a man of character. EMERGE will provide:


As boys enter their teens, they actually search for and NEED other male role models. Does your son have the men of character, positive role models and environments shape him on his unique journey. EMERGE creates a positive environment for them to drop the mask, be themselves through the amazing men in our community.


Sometimes we wonder as parents whether we’re doing enough to support their growth. The reality is, with the chaos that is life, often it’s hard to create intentional growth opportunities for your son and manage them effectively. EMERGE delivers a tested and researched-backed framework to provide intentional opportunities to grow and to handle anything life will throw at him. This provides the confidence every young man craves, and every parent want’s to see.


Do you wonder how your son handles challenging conversations or situations. Resilience is built from our foundation of self-worth and the ability to communicate in response to challenge. This is a core difference between boys, boys in mens bodies and mature men. Providing your son with the tools and confidence to articulate himself, start a challenging conversation, handle a bully or confrontation is essential to navigate school, and life.


True friends are hard to come by. Friends that don’t judge you, that support you, that include you and that don’t run off if a ‘better offer’ comes along, they take you with them. Friends who call you out when you’re doing the wrong thing and will stand up for you when times are tough. This community of young men will forge strong bonds with true, deep connection. They won’t be built on just sport or video games, but shared values, experience and connection.


It’s in young men’s DNA to test the boundaries, to explore, to test themselves. They also crave the guardrails, but that’s best delivered through men they respect and have been there. We’re not here to tell young men what to do, but provide some strong boundaries from which they can explore. In addition, having men available for guidance on things they aren’t yet willing to ask you, on things you don’t know about, or to help them navigate a conversation back with you is critical.


All young men want is an opportunity to test and prove themselves to build the confidence they can walk into a room and know whats what, and that they can handle themselves. Physically, emotionally, and mentally to achieve whatever he desires in life. To become the best version of himself and take responsibility.

A big part of reason the Junto exists is because we looked around and asked ‘where are all the great men going to come from'?’, ‘where are the young men who are going to date my daughters going to come from?’.

What would it mean to have a happier, healthier and confident son?

So what are you waiting for, are you ready to help your son step into the best version of himself and start to become the man you envisage for him, and the man he knows he can be.

Click the link below to sign him up.

Program Details:

EMERGE runs continuously throughout the year. We welcome young men of all shapes and sizes.


Sessions run MONDAY 4pm - 5pm

**EMERGE will have intakes throughout the year


Option 1 - 1 day - $25p/w

Option 2 - Free*

*We are here to support people from all walks of life. If you cannot afford the program at this time we have free spots available, no questions asked.

**We currently have a cap of 12 young men per day, however if interest is strong enough, we aim to run EMERGE on multiple days, so if Mondays doesn’t suit, please let us know.